Thursday, March 15, 2012

Libyan rebels hurt by lack of discipline, training

DAFNIYA, Libya (AP) — Wearing flip flops and a baseball cap, the young rebel hoisted a backpack of five rocket propelled grenades and pretended to fire into the air.

"Boom! Pow! Boom!" he yelled.

His friends, carrying AK-47 automatic rifles, their chests strapped with bandoliers of ammunition, howled with laughter.

The Libyan rebels at Dafniya, just west of their port stronghold of Misrata, arguably are fighting at the most dangerous and important front line.

On Monday, after weeks of stalemate, they pushed Moammar Gadhafi's besieging troops back toward Tripoli, 140 miles to the West of Misrata. They cracked the government lines as fighters across the country …

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