Thursday, March 1, 2012

Vic: Man charged over bashing at train station

AAP General News (Australia)
Vic: Man charged over bashing at train station

MELBOURNE, Dec 12 AAP - A man who accused train security guards of bashing him at a
Melbourne suburban station a fortnight ago is to face charges over the incident.

Police today said a 25-year-old man from Laverton would be charged on summons with
offensive behaviour and unlawful assault in relation to a brawl that occurred at Gardenvale
station on November 28.

A Bayside Trains security guard was sacked following a complaint by Kristian Wright,
who said he was bashed and kicked after he alighted from a Sandringham line train at Gardenvale
station in Melbourne's south-eastern suburbs.

He said he had fallen asleep on the train and got off at Gardenvale when he realised
he had overshot his destination.

He claimed he was attacked after getting off the train.

Police earlier said the 25-year-old Laverton man was ejected from the train by security guards.

The police statement said the train was about to pull away when a fight broke out during
which a man was assaulted with punches and kicks.

A week ago police charged a 36-year-old man from Reservoir with intentionally and recklessly
causing injury as well as assault by kicking.

The man was bailed to appear in Preston Magistrates Court on February 19 next year.

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