Almost 50 flats could be built next to one of Aberdeen's busiestroads.
Stewart Milne Homes wants to develop the site of a former carshowroom next to North Anderson Drive.
The city council's planning officers are recommending backing thescheme - but only if it includes affordable housing and acontribution to infrastructure.
The application is for a site between the Cocket Hat and a hotelon the Lang Stracht, previously occupied by a Shell filling stationand Anderson Cars.
The proposal is to build 39 two-bedroom flats and five one-bedroom flats, including eight affordable properties.
Two separate buildings rising to six storeys would face on toNorth Anderson Drive and would be separated by an eight metre (25feet) landscaped strip.
According to a report going to the planning committee on Thursdaythey would have a "modern design with flat roofs and higher cornertowers finished with blocks of contrasting coloured render and facingbricks".
There will be space for 61 cars as well as five disabled spaces.
Landscaping will include the planting of 33 trees.
Access will be on North Anderson Drive.
The council's roads department has no objection - but it willfall to the trunk road authority to oversee the design.
Transport Scotland had initially objected but according to thecouncil report it indicates "permission can be granted subject toconditions relating to the layout of the access junction and sealingoff of existing accesses".
The council is aiming for a quarter of developments of more than20 properties to be affordable but the policy has yet to beformalised.
The report said: "The affordable housing would take the form ofLow Cost Home Ownership flats sold at a significant discount on themarket price and reserved exclusively for people on the citycouncil's housing waiting list."
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