Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Vic: Ansett sons fail in bid on father's estate

AAP General News (Australia)
Vic: Ansett sons fail in bid on father's estate

The two sons of Ansett Airlines founder Sir REGINALD ANSETT .. have failed to claim
a larger slice of the aviation pioneer's estate.

Sir REGINALD'S estate was worth just over 8.2 million dollars .. when he died in December 1981.

His only two sons .. 73-year-old BOB and 71-year-old JOHN .. filed an application with
the Victorian Supreme Court in January last year .. asking for an extension of time for
them to gain part of the remainder of the undistributed estate.

Justice DAVID HARPER today dismissed the two men's applications .. after the matter
was heard by the court on February 7.

Both sons argued their delay in initiating these proceedings arose out of ignorance
of their legal rights.

But Justice HARPER said that's unlikely .. as JOHN ANSETT was a lawyer.

AAP RTV mok/dk/wf/bart


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